Exhibition "Morulin's world"

Exhibition "Morulin's world"

It was a great two days of my exhibition in Sandefjord, Norway.

"Morulin's world" exhibition presented more than 17 works in different techniques, including animation and painting with fluorescent acrylics.

The exhibit was in a wonderful studio 5tudio 

The main work was the illustration, which I worked on for 1 year as it is very detailed. It is done in liners on paper and framed.

There were also oil and acrylic paintings. A separate room was dedicated to animation and another to fluorescent paintings. For the fluorescent paintings, I used a special acrylic that glows from UV light. 

Almost 100 people came. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to be a part of the Morulin's world. It's a very important world to me and I was pleased to hear that it evokes emotion. 

It has been an enjoyable and valuable experience. And after a little rest, I will be ready to move on with more motivation!

Video of what it was like:

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