About me

About me

Hi, my name is Kateryna (Katerilian)

I have loved drawing since I was a little girl, but it has been my job for over 7 years now. I tried different techniques and materials until I realized that I like to draw detailed objects with liner. And fantasy worlds in oil and acrylic.

As a child I drifted away into music, movies and books because I didn't like what was around me. I felt like everyone knew how to live right and I was doing something wrong. But then you appreciate that time, because there are so many worlds inside now that it's nice to go back to.
And how interesting it is to communicate with those who create these worlds. Who absorbed this world and reflected it in a completely different form.

And now I like to put together fragments of worlds from books, movies, traumas, communication with people, nature... to pass through my perception and enjoy when a new character is born.
It feels like I'm standing at the beginning of an insanely exciting journey, being in the flow.

That's how I created my world one day. It happened when I was drawing as if in a trance and saw the first unusual character appear on paper. That's how the world of Morulin came into being.
Each Morulin is unique and unprecedented with their own personal skill so important to their shared world.
I am sure they will not leave you indifferent and tell you interesting stories about their lives.

Thank you for your attention and have a wonderful time!

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